Loveable curmudgeon Dickie and his wife Glenda have moved into an Auckland apartment, Seaview, with a body corporate and a tiny peek of the sea, to be near their grandchildren.

The crusty old bloke — the protagonist of Sir Roger’s hit plays C’mon Black and You’ve Got to be Joking — tries valiantly to confront life in the great big, bad city, and with Hall’s signature comedic touch.

Then, like a bolt from the blue, Covid strikes and Dickie finds himself isolated and starting to go downhill. Thankfully, he rallies. There’s still life in this old dog and, by crikey, he gives it heaps!

Sir Roger has been making us laugh for over five decades with hit comedies such as Glide Time, Spreading Out, Four Flat Whites in Italy, Who Wants to Be a Hundred, and Last Legs.

“Amusement, laughter, gasps and ‘oof’s at the slings and arrows launched by life.” - John Smythe, Theatreview

“Utterly engaging from go to whoa.” - Tanya Piejus, Regional News Wellington