Written by
David Ladderman and Lizzie Tollemache -
Presented and Co Produced by
Rollicking Entertainment
When magic is accidentally let loose in the kitchen, everything is turned topsy-turvy.
Spray and Wipe are messy magicians, and they’ve been invited to a surprise party. But after a terrible cake squishing accident, magic is let loose in the kitchen, everything is turned topsy turvy, and they have to figure out how baking works before the party starts...
Circus, slapstick and magic combine in this very special adventure for children aged 3 to 8.
"Riveting, delightful, exciting and highly amusing.” John Smythe, Theatreview
“A winning combination of slapstick, sight gags, sound effects, sleight of hand, general silliness and puns, proves irresistible.” - Richard Mays, Stuff
"A great school holiday outing for your little ones.” - Holly Shanahan, Theatreview