Daniel Williams 1 web

Daniel graduated with a degree in Performance Design from Massey University and Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School in 2006. His theatre career has seen him design sets and costumes for work all over New Zealand and internationally.

He won the 2013 Q Theatre Auckland Newcomer Award at the Auckland Theatre Awards and has been nominated multiple times at the Wellington Theatre Awards, including winning Weta Workshop Set Designer of the Year in 2008.

Designs include work for Circa Theatre, Centrepoint Theatre, Fortune Theatre, Downstage Theatre, Silo Theatre, The Court Theatre and Auckland Theatre Company. Daniel was the Associate Show Director of the 2017 World of Wearable Arts Awards show, and spent most of 2019 and 2020 art directing large-scale events like Summer in the Square and film production design.

Daniel recently designed the set for Little Shop of Horrors, Once, and Girl on the Train at The Court Theatre. You can check out more of his work at danielwilliamsdesign.com.

Court Shows