Alex is an actor, director, producer, and improviser. He is passionate about theatre and its ability to bring communities together. A jack of all trades, he enjoys the process of seeing a show lift from the page to the stage and the collaborative spirit that comes with that territory.

As a director, Alex has trained at Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre and with New York’s Public Theatre and The Neo-Futurists. Alex has run theatre companies in Dunedin and Wellington. He was most recently the Associate Director of Centrepoint Theatre. He has toured both here and abroad, most notably to represent New Zealand in the AATC World Theatre Festival in Venice, Florida. He has worked production roles for Pleasance Theatre (UK), Edinburgh Fringe, Arts Festival Dunedin, and Dunedin Fringe Festival.

Alex holds a Masters in Theatre Studies from the University of Otago and is currently completing his Ph.D., examining how theatre can reverse engineer the tactics of post-truth politics.