Prepare yourself for mystery, murder and mirth as The Court Jesters give your favourite TV show their own unique flavour over three nights with their newest long-form improv offering, WHAT LOTUS.

Following the success of Scared Scriptless Attempts over the last three years, Australasia’s original improv artists, The Court Jesters, wanted to push the boundaries of the long-form concept says Jesters Producer Flore Charbonnier. In this type of improv, a whole evening’s show is based around one central story.

Each night, five of the most experienced Court Jesters will improvise multiple characters and stories into one large 70-minute story. “WHAT LOTUS will offer audiences the opportunity to become the puppet masters of their favourite show and characters, not only deciding who will survive, but also who will come back for the finale on night three!” says Charbonnier.

What will unfurl at the exotic Stewart Island Kiwi bach turned luxury Airbnb WHAT LOTUS? Will motel manager Jonine Bodine handle the last-minute honeymoon booking? Can the romance of mutton birding save an Auckland couple’s marriage? Can the Smith family move past their secret, or will the echoes of seal clubbing call out their darkest desires? And, most importantly, how many people will be killed by the gays? It all happens at WHAT LOTUS but, to find out the answers to these questions, you must be there. After all, what happens at Stewart Island WHAT LOTUS, stays there.

Long-time Jester Dan Pengelly is directing the three shows, which can be enjoyed on their own, or binged as a series (of course!) “The Court Jesters love telling good stories and the concept behind the fabulous show White Lotus was the unfurling and intermingling of several stories at once. We love the idea of creating our own big characters, having them interact and seeing what unfolds” he says. “With our audience’s help we will create our own colourful characters - couples and families that we can take to a holiday hotel in New Zealand. What secrets will be revealed? What poor choices will be made!? I am excited for the drama and shocking behaviour!”

Laughs are guaranteed. Survival of all motel guests is not. 

“While the Jesters are adept comedians, they are also excellent storytellers.”
